Buzz Moran

Buzz Moran’s relief prints are informed by his history in audio design and fascination with vintage electronic equipment.

Buzz has worked as a music editor and sound designer for the past 25 years in Austin, TX, chiefly recording and mixing with composer Graham Reynolds on film soundtracks such as A Scanner Darkly, Before Midnight, Bernie and Hit Man, and creating and performing live sound effects for the live-action radio play The Intergalactic Nemesis. He also hosted a digital series on PBS about sound effects called “What’s That, Buzz?” and composed music for KLRU’s “Barbecue with Franklin” series, as well as created sound effects and soundscapes for numerous theatrical productions.

Buzz has been creating album art and show posters for decades, and has now begun releasing his fine art woodcut prints within the last year. He uses mid-century vintage mechanical images, and is heavily inspired by the German Expressionist woodcut style of the 1930s. His themes explore the human experience within an increasingly mechanical world.


I am inspired by mystery, things that are not easily definable, stories without endings. I enjoy putting the natural world and the mechanical world together, and I hope to bring a playfulness and lightness into the exploration of sometimes dark themes through my artwork.